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What's New!

upcoming community activities


Updated: 02/26/2025​




FIRST SUNDAY CONVERSATIONS - MARCH 2, 2025 - Election of our 10th Bishop: Dick Delorme will present information regarding the search process for our next bishop and answer questions about the process of matching the needs of our diocese with interested candidates. The Search Committee started their work on January 18, 2025; and you may receive updates at the diocesan website:



Hope for Housing Cards: The deadline to purchase cards in March is this Sunday, March 2nd. Orders will be available for pick up after services on March 9th. We have moved the order forms to the table in the Narthex, to the right as you exit after services. Thank you for your continuing support of this ministry.



Lenten Devotion Series:  During the season of Lent, we are inviting members of the congregation to read and reflect on selected texts from the Bible using the Revised Common Lectionary’s “Daily Readings”. Those who are willing to write reflections should sign up for their preferred day(s) by providing their name and e-mail address.  All reflections must be submitted by the Monday of the previous week.  A separate sign-up sheet is available for those who would just like to receive the daily readings and reflections via e-mail.  Please contact Susan Bastardo or John Bell ( if you have any questions. 


Shrove Tuesday Pancake and Jambalaya Dinner! Please make sure to sign up for this Tuesday's “Shrove Tuesday Pancake and Jambalaya Dinner,” either on the sheet in the Narthex or by emailing Dawn Rooke at While we do always plan for a few extra it helps us plan if we have a good idea in advance! Dinner will be served from 5:30 - 7 pm.  Suggested donation is $5 for pancakes, $10 jambalaya.  Hope to see you there!



Mission Meeting:  Sunday, March 9th after the 10AM service.  Location most likely the library.



Women’s Retreat, Saturday March 22, 9:00-1:00.  The topic for this year’s Lenten retreat will be Prayer. We will meet in large and small groups to explore different forms and purposes of prayer as we reflect on and share our own experiences.  Nut-free snacks (including vegan and gluten-free options) will be provided, and there will also be some craft time! Please sign up in the narthex and speak with Susan Bastardo, Elizabeth Carroll, Kathy Dixon, or Dawn Michanowicz if you have any questions.  



Lenten Resources and information: the Lenten Resource table will be setup in the narthex/lobby area of the church. Information and devotional materials for the season of Lent will be placed on the table as they become available. You may also find the “Worship and Programs” booklet on the table - this booklet contains the worship schedule for Holy Week, as well as summaries of the various devotional programs available during Lent, and some suggestions for additional resources for study and prayer. If you have any questions or would like more information,

please speak to Pat Perkins.


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