What's New!
upcoming community activities
Updated: 03/26/2025​
Refreshment Sunday is this Sunday, March 30th! Plan to stay after the 10 am service and enjoy breakfast, complete with eggs, homefries, pancakes, sausages, and more! Also known as Laetare Sunday (Laetare is Latin for rejoice,) this is a day to relax some of the penitential feel of Lent and look with joy toward Easter, only three weeks away. Suggested donation is $5. If you know you'll be there but didn't get a chance to sign-up, please email Taryn Surabian at taryn@surabs.com or just show up, we always plan for a few extra!
Easter Memorial Remembrances: During Easter services this year, you may wish to have a loved one remembered, or to express special thanks to God for the blessing of someone in your life. The form is available in the narthex or by clicking here. The link is also available at the bottom of the homepage. The donations for these memorials are used for flowers and our music programs each year, given to God’s glory as we celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Please submit the form by Sunday, April 13th.
Caring for our St. Francis family: Do you feel called to bring some "St. Francis love" to members of our parish who cannot regularly make it to church? There are two ways to help: (1) be trained and certified as a Lay Eucharistic Visitor (LEV) who can offer Communion or (2) sign up to be a companion to a LEV during home visits. Both roles require current Safe Church certification (which is available through a Zoom workshop). For more information, please contact Tina Chen (chencelaney@gmail.com or 978.502.1306).
Lenten Resources and information: the Lenten Resource table is located in the narthex/lobby area of the church. Information and devotional materials for the season of Lent may be found on the table as they become available. You may also find the “Worship and Programs” booklet on the table - this booklet contains the worship schedule for Holy Week, as well as summaries of the various devotional programs available during Lent, and some suggestions for additional resources for study and prayer. If you have any questions or would like more information,
please speak to Pat Perkins.
​UPCOMING CHANGES FOR HOPE FOR HOUSING CARDS: CMHA will soon have a new system for ordering cards once they sell off their current $53K inventory. For now, I will post a list of the cards that are available for purchase each month. There are no $100 or $50 BIG Y cards. (For those who donate to our Mission partners any grocery card or $25 Big Y cards are appreciated.) The new system will be explained once the inventory is depleted. The deadline for orders in April is Sunday, April 6th. Cards will be available for pick up after services on April 13th. Questions contact: Julie Russell at jbrussell58@gmail.com. ​
Children’s Holy Week Program: Saturday April 12th (aka Palm Saturday), 10:00-1:00. This program for church school aged children (Pre-k to grade 5) will use music, crafts, and drama to focus on the events of Holy Week in a child-friendly way. Parents do not need to stay, but are welcome to join in! Kids should pack a (nut-free) lunch. Drinks and cookies will be provided. Please speak with Susan Bastardo, Jena DelCid, Bev Giarusso, Julie Russell, or Laurie Sanchez if you have any questions. A sign-up sheet is available in the narthex. ​