On this Fourth Sunday after the day of Epiphany, we hear the story of Jesus teaching in the synagogue with a power that none had previously experienced, and healing a man of an unclean spirit. Jesus' power and authority over things in this world and things beyond our comprehension of this world surprises everyone in attendance...except the unclean spirits! We will explore the idea of confronting evil in this world, and how Jesus shows us that God's plan for the world includes the redemption and healing of the broken and fallen parts of the world, restoring them back to right relationship and wholeness. (Shalom)
Our Scripture passage is found in the Gospel according to Mark. You may find the Scripture lesson by selecting the following link: (Mark 1:21-28).
For continuing study, reflect on these questions (found in the study guide below):
After reading the assigned Scripture lesson, reflect on the following: in your experience, what do you think an "unclean spirit" really is; imagine you are part of the crowd, and what is your experience of what the crowd is saying about Jesus; and why might you be impressed with Jesus' teaching?
After reading the "WHAT..." paragraph in the guide below, what are your thoughts about the surprise of the crowd toward Jesus' teaching, yet the unclean spirits call Jesus by a name that reveals who he is...the unclean spirits seem to know exactly who Jesus is?
After reading the "WHERE..." paragraph, reflect on the second sentence, "God is present and acts in the world through the teaching and through the word that provides healing." - and ask yourself: What was Jesus teaching and how did he heal? What does the expression, "a new teaching, with authority" mean to you?
After reading the "SO WHAT..." paragraph, reflect on the idea that Jesus, through his healing miracles, is on a mission that unites "right relationship" and "health" and how does this mission bring about "wholeness" in our lives?
After reading the "NOW WHAT..." paragraph, and reflecting on the last sentence of this paragraph, ask yourself: how does Jesus bring, not just information, but transformation?
