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Sunday Scripture Reflection: John 3:1-17

Writer's picture: rector77rector77

Updated: Jun 1, 2021

On this Sunday we celebrate Trinity Sunday, and we will read from the Gospel according to John. The theme of this Trinity Sunday reflection is based on God's love and desire for relationship. In the Greek language, the word "love" is nuanced and described in many ways: "eros" (intimate love); "philia" (friendship love); and "agape" (unconditional love) are among the many types of love. It is the "agape" love that we will discuss, which is the center of Christ's "unconditional, sacrificial" love for all people.

Our Scripture passage is found in the Gospel according to John. You may find the Scripture lesson by selecting the following link: (John 3:1-17).

For continuing study, reflect on these questions (found in the study guide below):

  • Read the Scripture lesson for the week (John 3:1-17) and reflect on any word or phrase that might have caught your attention. Also, reflect on the interaction between Jesus and Nicodemus, taking into consideration that Nicodemus was a Pharisee and a member of the important Sanhedrin Council. He risked much by approaching Jesus in this inquisitive way.

  • Reflect on Nicodemus' question about Jesus' statement of the Spirit: "to be born from above" or to "be born again." What are the meanings of the idea to "be born again" and how has that meaning been interpreted in our current society?

  • After reading the "WHAT..." paragraph in the guide below, reflect on the following statements made by the author: "Salvation language is health language." and "God's love is ever constant, but never coercive."

  • After reading the "WHERE..." paragraph below, reflect on what the author is saying about "the self-giving love of God" and how this love gives us life.

  • After reading the "SO WHAT..." paragraph below, reflect on the Trinity of God and consider why the "three in one, and one in three" nature of God is a holy mystery; and how this relational nature of God gives us an example of how we should try to be in relationship also.

  • After reading the "NOW WHAT..." paragraph below, give some thought to the statement about how our participation with God's will for us is based "not on our worthiness, but God's desire to bring about healing and restoration."

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