The current health concerns of the global COVID-19 pandemic have closed our church buildings for the present time, but the generosity of our community members continues as strong as ever! Beginning in May, the Mission Committee of St. Francis Church sought out ways to continue to do the work of God in our greater area and beyond. The needs of our Mission Partners (Mustard Seed, Abby's House, Dismas House, Wachusett Food Pantry, and Walking Together) continue on, and in many cases are greater than ever due to the limitations of volunteers and fund raising opportunities.
Approximately twice every month since May 2020, volunteers have gathered on Saturday mornings from 10:00 a.m. until noon, collecting non-perishable food items, paper products, gift cards, and other critical supplies. We immediately pass these items along to our partners; and your generosity has been received with a great note of THANKS!
Please join us as we continue to collect donated items for those who are in great need. You may find additional details in the "UPCOMING EVENTS" section of our website; and find out the dates of coming donation days by looking at our community calendar.