Our church school program uses the "Workshop Rotation Model" to teach children about the love of God through kid-friendly workshops incorporating art, drama, music, games, puppetry, storytelling, cooking and mission/outreach projects. Our lessons are lectionary- based, using Bible stories from the Revised Common Lectionary read during worship services each week.
The program is available on Sunday mornings for children who are in preschool (age 3 by September 1st) through grade 5. Classes begin at 9:45. At 10:45, children return to the service to participate in the Eucharist. Amy Mellors, a member of the staff at St. Francis, is the Church School Coordinator. Members of our community volunteer to teach or assist in classrooms.
Nursery care is available for children under 3 years old during the 10:00 a.m. service on Sunday mornings.
To register for Church School please complete a registration form HERE., or fill out one of the forms available at the Church office. You can also reach Amy Mellors, Church School Coordinator, at
Fall Start Up Schedule 2024- 2025:
Sept 1: Registration begins
Sept. 15: Church School classes begin
Family Connections 2023-2024